Microscopic reconstructive surgery is a modern medical discipline aimed at rebuilding or improving the performance of part of the body. Whether you need therapeutic or reconstructive surgery due to injury, loss of part of your body limbs, illness, deformities or appearance defects, our medical team at Al Kindi Hospital will provide you with comprehensive care to help you with the latest microsurgery techniques in the region.
Reconstructive microsurgery is a general term used to describe surgical treatment for patients with complex injuries including skin, muscles, tendons, nerves and bones, where parts of living skin, muscles and bones are implanted from one part of the body to another accurately.
This technique allows the surgeon to use the bones or tissues of the injured patient to cover the wound, rebuild the arm, hand or leg, or restore the lost function of these limbs. This technically complex procedure, which includes microscopic reconnection of microscopic vascular microscopy to transplanted tissues so that it continues to function properly and without any defects and continues to operate in its new location.
Microscopic surgeries help to achieve greater accuracy in many procedures, which have significantly expanded the scope of surgeons’ work for various surgeries accurately and effectively.
When is reconstructive microsurgery necessary?
Reconstructive microsurgery may be necessary for a range of reasons, including a wound that is too large to be surgically closed, or when different tissues (such as skin, muscles and bones) that have lost their function need to be replaced. Reconstructive microsurgery can be necessary to save the hand or leg from amputation, as well as to restore the function of these limbs and return to normal operation.
Using microsurgery techniques, it is possible to carry tissue on one side of the body with its veins (and sometimes nerves) to the affected part of the body, With the aim of repairing damaged nerves and veins in the affected limbs of the body.
Microscopic reconstructive surgery at Al Kindi Hospital
The following treatment services are performed at Al Kindi Hospital for microscopic reconstructive surgery:
Microscopic reconstructive surgery doctors who perform hand surgery seek to restore hand, limb and finger function. Hand repair surgery is performed for a variety of reasons, including hand injuries, rheumatic diseases (such as osteoporosis) and arthritis, which changes and damages the bones of the hand.
Surgeons perform many operations, such as fracture repair, tendon release and repair, repair of injured limbs, treatment of hand deformities caused by birth defects, reconnection of fingers and amputated limbs and reconstructive surgeries of soft tissues, bones and nerves using microsurgery techniques.
In addition, hand and wrist fracture surgery is performed at Al Kindi Hospital to help the patient start moving better after the operation.
Reconstructive microsurgery doctors deal with peripheral nerve diseases in the upper and lower extremities, and these problems are addressed with microsurgery techniques. Direct repair of the injured nerve, nerve grafting and reconstruction are performed through microsurgery techniques using a surgical microscope. Delayed detection of neurological deficit can be treated by moving tendons and muscles.
Peripheral nerve problems can also lead to chronic neurological pain, which can be treated surgically by removing neuron tumors, reshaping or transferring the rest of the nerve.
Chronic nerve pressure syndromes are treated by relieving pressure on the nerve using minimally invasive surgical techniques.
Repairing congenital limb deformity requires precise surgical skill because it is a complex condition that needs to be treated and corrected for all affected bones, nerves and muscles in order to get functional and aesthetic treatment at the same time.
When one or all of the breast is removed due to breast cancer, reconstructive surgery doctors reconstruct the missing breast. This procedure can be performed using breast tissue brought from a person’s abdomen, or by using breast implants. If there is not enough tissue, the tissue extender is first placed in that area and is replaced by a transplant after 1-2 months.
Degenerative joint diseases (osteoarthritis) and inflammation (arthritis) are often painful and hinder the movement of the hand and prevent its normal function. When medications cannot control pain or when the joint degeneration phase is advanced, there is a wide range of surgical procedures such as laparoscopic joint damage repair, the integration of the total or partial joint, the implantation of an artificial joint to relieve pain and restore function.
Microscopic reconstructive surgery is a complex process that requires high accuracy. And it aims for:
For the leg, reconstructive surgery aims to maintain a weight-bearing and walking function. As for hands, this includes movement and the ability to do things.
Our treatment does not stop when the patient leaves al-Kindi Hospital, but when we ensure that the patient returns to normal and improves the function of his or her injured limbs.
After discharge, patients may need rehabilitation, depending on their health, type of injury and their family’s ability to provide care.
About the microscopic reconstructive surgery team at Al Kindi Hospital
Al Kindi Hospital collaborates with a group of leading doctors specializing in microscopic reconstructive surgery with high expertise in this delicate field.
Reconstructive microsurgery requires a precise level of accuracy and high experience, so our surgeons apply a comprehensive understanding of the musculoskeletal system and nerves, which is critical for patients requiring reconstructive microscopic surgery as a result of a serious injury.
Microsurgery doctors provide comprehensive and high-quality hand and wrist care with the support of all our specialized staff of doctors, resident trainees, nurses, therapists and administrative staff.
One of our top priorities is to educate patients and listen to them with great support to understand the nature of the problem. Our patients are our partners, and we are working for them to build a highly specialized team to meet their optimal medical care needs.