
Endoscopy is a medical procedure performed by inserting a tube into the body (endoscope) with a camera at the end in order to diagnose the disease more accurately and give appropriate treatment.

The endoscopy unit at Al Kindi Hospital features all diagnostic and therapeutic gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopy procedures, with the latest endoscopy devices for stomach and intestines and the installation of a stomach balloon. 

The endoscopy unit also has two modern endoscopy rooms, a room for 10 patients, as well as a sterilization room for the equipment and instruments used for endoscopy.

 Al Kindi Hospital has the latest endoscopy devices that enable the specialist to diagnose and treat all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract for adults and children, under the supervision of a selection of gastroenterologists, highly experienced technicians and qualified medical staff. The endoscopy unit operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

 The endoscopy unit at Al Kindi Hospital is equipped in accordance with the latest scientific bases and standards and under the supervision of leading doctors and specialists distinguished in this field, where all diagnostic processes and non-surgical precise therapeutic interferences of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract are performed.

 It also has state-of-the-art devices such as Pentax Olympus and Full HD Endoscopic Ultrasound, which are used to make high-quality video or color photographs.

Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed in the endoscopy unit

Diagnostic endoscopy:
Diagnostic endoscopy is performed to detect diseases of the digestive tract, bronchi, liver, colon, bile ducts, and gallbladder for the following conditions:
1. To check complaints of pain in the upper abdomen or chest, chronic heartburn problems, and gastroesophageal reflux.
2. To check complaints about difficulty or pain when swallowing, nausea or vomiting to confirm anemia.
3. To check complaints of bloody vomiting especially in liver patients.
4. Assess the prevalence of tumors in the esophagus wall, stomach, pancreas, or around the pancreas and bile ducts.
5. Colonoscopy, a scan performed to detect changes or pathological problems in the large intestine (colon) and rectum.
6. Diagnostic bronchoscopy with the aim of diagnosing many types of diseases, including infections, polyps, adenoids and cancers.

Types of endoscopy performed at Al Kindi Hospital

 Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (gastroscopy)

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is a procedure in which the esophagus, stomach and intestine are tested using a flexible telescope that allows the doctor to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine.

Why is upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed?

To check for symptoms that indicate a problem with the upper digestive system which include stomach pain, heartburn or indigestion, difficulty or pain in swallowing and bleeding.

Gastroscopy can also help diagnose or exclude suspected conditions such as stomach ulcers, celiac disease, stomach and esophageal cancer. A gastroenterologist may remove small tissue samples for testing called biopsy. 


Colonoscopy is a procedure in which a flexible telescope is used to look into the large intestine (colon) for changes or abnormalities such as colon polyps and bowel cancer.

Why is colonoscopy performed?

Colonoscopy can detect and monitor bowel conditions including bowel cancer, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis.

Your doctor may ask you for a colonoscopy as part of a bowel cancer screening to help identify any signs of bowel cancer at an early stage so that it is easier to treat.

 Bile and pancreatic duct endoscopy

This procedure is done to help diagnose and/or treat conditions affecting the liver, pancreas, bile ducts, pancreas, and gallbladder. X-rays are captured using a flexible tube with a camera and light at the end called an endoscope.

Why is bile and pancreas endoscopy performed?

This type of endoscopy is used to search for and sometimes treat any problems with the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and bile ducts, and help the doctor find out why the patient has symptoms.

The most common causes include:

  • Blockage of bile ducts and pancreas.
  • Severe pancreatitis (chronic or acute).
  • Tumor in the pancreas, gallbladder or liver – endoscopy helps determine the type and size of the tumor (stage).
  • Remove gallstones from the bile duct or pancreas.
  • Small tissue samples for analysis (biopsy).


Bronchoscopy is a procedure that aims to help diagnose problems and diseases in the respiratory tract and lungs, and can also treat some lung problems at the same time. Bronchoscopy is a flexible telescope inserted through the patient’s nose or mouth to take pictures or videos of the airways or lungs.

When is bronchoscopy performed?

Bronchoscopy is used to diagnose or treat a medical condition in the airways or in the lungs.

Your doctor may recommend bronchoscopy if you have symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, chronic cough or coughing blood.

Bronchoscopy is used to help diagnose lung diseases, infections and tumors as well as the cause of fever.

Bronchoscopy can also be performed to treat respiratory problems such as removing a foreign body, liquid, mucus or treating cancer. 

Gastric balloon installation

A stomach balloon is a non-surgical procedure performed through the endoscope for slimming and weight reduction purposes, through the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.

During the operation, your doctor inserts a thin tube with stomach balloons through the throat into the stomach, and the endoscope – a flexible tube with a camera – is inserted through the throat into the stomach. The camera allows the doctor to see the balloon and fill it with saline solution.

The operation takes about 10-15 minutes, after which the patient can return home within an hour of the balloon installation. The balloon stays in the stomach for up to six months, then is removed using an endoscope.

Procedures during endoscopy

  • Endoscopy is a one-day procedure, where the patient will be admitted and discharged on the same day.
  • The patient will be given anesthesia after approval before the procedure to ensure comfort during the operation.
  • If your doctor notices an abnormal tissue during a gastroscopy or colonoscopy, a biopsy of tissue will be taken for analysis.

Procedures after endoscopy

After the completion of the procedure, the patient stays for a while in the recovery room until full confirmation of the patient’s recovery and regaining consciousness by the doctor or nurse in charge, and then the patient is discharged on the same day as the endoscopy after being given a set of instructions for post-endoscopy, and there is often no need to sleep inside the hospital. The patient is contacted after being discharged by the endoscopy staff to confirm his health and schedule the next review if the case is called for. 

AL kindi Hospital | Amman

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